Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Latest news and events

Thursday Logan had his 4 month Dr. visit and vaccinations.

17 lbs. 1 ounce
26 1/2 inches long

Yesterday (Saturday 11/22/09) he had his first "food."
Rice cereal for lunch, and then rice cereal with a tiny bit of prunes for dinner. (We put rice cereal in his bottle a couple times when he was younger, and it made him a little constipated. So we are going with the Dr.'s suggestion of prunes first to help keep him 'regular.')
I'm excited for him to try more stuff, but we've got to wait to be sure of allergic reactions first of course. Old guidelines recommend waiting for 4 days. The pediatrician recommended waiting a whole week. We'll see. I'm playing it by what feels right, and by how he seems to be doing on each thing. She also said we can go prunes first to help aid his digestion, then start with yellow veggies going into dark colored veggies, then fruits. So next will be squash, then carrots or sweet potatoes, then green beans, then peas.
Then after all that his fruits; apples, peaches, pears, bananas.
So it's fun and exciting.
He did very well with his first time eating, and made mommy very proud.

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