Logan is being such a terror today!!!
Well, in all actuality, to most moms, you would all say he isn't that bad, which I guess is probably actually true. But compared to my normally mild-mannered, silly child, he is being a real brat haha.
Wouldn't eat breakfast/made a HUGE mess at breakfast. Both my mom and I tried to feed him, and he was just spitting everything out, even though we tried 3 different foods. Just being a real brat. So then I went to give him a bath because he was all sticky and a mess. And of course, because this is his new thing. He wouldn't sit down in the tub. I don't know why, he loves the water. We just have a fascination now with stomping around in the tub, and playing with the drain switch, and banging on the sliding doors. And we weren't done there!! Didn't want to lay down long enough to get a diaper on or get dressed. In the end I had to straddle him to get his pants on. That's a first. And not something I'm hoping to make a regular occurrence. What a pain he is today.
In other news, because I don't remember what I've post already or whatever, I've been feeling the baby move since I was about 11 weeks. What most people refer to as a "fluttering" feeling, but it always just feels like vibrating to me, so that's what I call it. Then at about 18 weeks I started feeling actual strong movements, like pushing and kicks. I honestly can't remember when I felt that with Logan. But I was surprised because on 2 occasions, and I actually jumped and yelled because it was so strong and took me by surprise!!
On October 12th, last week, we had our 20 wk. visit and found out....it's a girl! She had no hesitation and pretty much said she got a good view, and was able to see everything she needed to see!! Sometimes the view is hard to check things, or things look shadowy or are in the way, but she had a clear view, so very exciting!!
Today I am 21 weeks. In a way it seems like it's been going fast, and in a way it doesn't, it's so hard to explain. It seems like it took a long time to get to 20 weeks to find out what the gender was, but at the same time, it seems like just yesterday that it was June and I found out I was pregnant!
I also still feel just as exhausted as ever :-/
However I have bathed the baby, emptied the dishwasher, cleaned out the fridge, made lemonade, made iced tea, and sort of gotten dressed today. So I'm SLOWLY getting somewhere today. I just wish I had more energy. I never felt anywhere NEAR this exhausted with Logan. It sucks. But I better get my butt up and figure out what we're having for dinner, so I'm outta here!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Lazy Saturday
So not much new has been happening lately, same old same old.
I've been really tired last night and today, so I did a lot of napping.
We did good on making dinner all week, except today we were planning to have chicken parmesan with our leftover sauce from yesterday, but by the time mom, logan and i went out shopping, it was kinda late, so we cheated and just went to McDonalds. Chicken parm can be for tomm.
We went to Target and got some wipes. I'm kinda becoming a freak about stocking up on stuff like wipes. Diapers you can stock up on, but only so much, cause I'm always worried I'll buy too many of a certain size, and he'll outgrow them. Of course you can return/exchange them, but that's such a pain in the butt. But wipes you know you'll need for a while!! Especially since the new baby isn't even here yet, I know I'll be using them for AT LEAST the next 2 years! Anddddd we had manufacturer coupons, AND Target store coupons. And you can use one manufacturer coupon AND one store coupon on each item!! So I bought 4 big packs of wipes, like 500 count, and used 4 manufacturer coupons, 1 store coupon, and they were doing a sale where if you buy 2 big packs of wipes, you get a $5 Target giftcard! So we got 2 of those since we bought 4 packs!
I was excited. Yup, that's what happens when you get old and have kids haha. But for real, I saved like over $12 the cashier said, plus got $10 in giftcards. That's awesome.
I don't care if you think I'm a dork, i LOVE saving money.
I also always shop the clearance racks at Kmart and Walmart for kids clothes. I have clothes for Logan up to a size 4t I think. I don't care if he won't wear it for a while, when I get shit for 50 cents, or a dollar each, and it's cute, I'll take it!! I just put it away in the back of his closet.
And my mom and I do clip coupons. If you take 5 minutes, uninterrupted, that's all it takes!! We saved like $50 at Walmart 2 weeks ago. I think before the coupons it was $163? I think? And after it was something like $116. I forget exactly how much, but it was something like that.
And plus at Giant Eagle you get fuelperks when you shop at the store, and you get FOODPERKS, now when you pump gas at GetGo.
Mom and I did a huge shopping trip a couple months ago, and you save a certain percent with the new Foodperks thing, and we saved $40 by using our FoodPerks, it's awesome. I love saving money.
Anyway, Logan just started running around tearing apart the family room, so I better go stop him!!
I've been really tired last night and today, so I did a lot of napping.
We did good on making dinner all week, except today we were planning to have chicken parmesan with our leftover sauce from yesterday, but by the time mom, logan and i went out shopping, it was kinda late, so we cheated and just went to McDonalds. Chicken parm can be for tomm.
We went to Target and got some wipes. I'm kinda becoming a freak about stocking up on stuff like wipes. Diapers you can stock up on, but only so much, cause I'm always worried I'll buy too many of a certain size, and he'll outgrow them. Of course you can return/exchange them, but that's such a pain in the butt. But wipes you know you'll need for a while!! Especially since the new baby isn't even here yet, I know I'll be using them for AT LEAST the next 2 years! Anddddd we had manufacturer coupons, AND Target store coupons. And you can use one manufacturer coupon AND one store coupon on each item!! So I bought 4 big packs of wipes, like 500 count, and used 4 manufacturer coupons, 1 store coupon, and they were doing a sale where if you buy 2 big packs of wipes, you get a $5 Target giftcard! So we got 2 of those since we bought 4 packs!
I was excited. Yup, that's what happens when you get old and have kids haha. But for real, I saved like over $12 the cashier said, plus got $10 in giftcards. That's awesome.
I don't care if you think I'm a dork, i LOVE saving money.
I also always shop the clearance racks at Kmart and Walmart for kids clothes. I have clothes for Logan up to a size 4t I think. I don't care if he won't wear it for a while, when I get shit for 50 cents, or a dollar each, and it's cute, I'll take it!! I just put it away in the back of his closet.
And my mom and I do clip coupons. If you take 5 minutes, uninterrupted, that's all it takes!! We saved like $50 at Walmart 2 weeks ago. I think before the coupons it was $163? I think? And after it was something like $116. I forget exactly how much, but it was something like that.
And plus at Giant Eagle you get fuelperks when you shop at the store, and you get FOODPERKS, now when you pump gas at GetGo.
Mom and I did a huge shopping trip a couple months ago, and you save a certain percent with the new Foodperks thing, and we saved $40 by using our FoodPerks, it's awesome. I love saving money.
Anyway, Logan just started running around tearing apart the family room, so I better go stop him!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Long time, no type
So I know it's been way too long.
I said I'd write, and I slacked off for months.
Things got superbusy.
We had a huge birthday party for Logan in July that took up a lot of time and planning, plus my usual work and whatnot.
In June we found out I am pregnant again!!
I am currently 19 weeks, 1 day.
We find out on Tuesday, October 12th what the gender is. I'm feeling excited and nervous.
I've been feeling the baby move since about 11 weeks, what most people refer to as the "fluttering feeling," but in the last week or so I've felt harder movement similar to kicking.
Then last night, 10/5/10, I was actually able to see a small movement while watching my belly. So I guess it's about to really start going crazy in there!!
Don't know where I left off on Logan's achievements.
By April 1st he was consistently waving hello/goodbye.
On April 2nd he got his 6th tooth. The top right one next to his front tooth.
On April 6th he was walking while someone helped hold his hands.
On April 10th he was army crawling like crazy.
On April 14th he had his 9 month checkup. He was 23.5 lbs, and 28 3/4 inches long.
On April 21st he had a fever of 100.5, we gave him medicine and took him to urgent care. By the time we got in there and seen, the medicine had reduced his fever, and they said so just keep an eye on it. On the 22nd it never got higher than 99.5
On April 24th I have it written down that he did his first "real" crawling, and it was also his first swim in the pool.
By April 25th he was saying "baba" and "papa" quite a bit.
On April 27th he started really crawling forward several feet at a time (Yes, I know, he was a late crawler).
By the following day, April 28th, he was crawling across entire rooms!! The same day he also pulled himself up to a standing position.
On April 30th he was saying "mama"and doing "so big!" a lot.
On June 7th he tried ice cream for the first time. He also tried meatloaf for the first time.
On June 8th he had pierogies for the first time.
On June 9th he was eating really great with a fork (pasta pickups).
He had his 1 year checkup on July 14th. He was 26 lbs., and 31 1/4 inches. His head circumference was 47.5 cm, which was in the 75th percentile.
His big birthday bash was on July 17th.
On July 22nd, Logan took his first steps all alone.
Logan took a good fall on August 19th, I'd rather not discuss it, but he took a good tumble and I've never been so scared in my life.
On September 1st, Logan got his back left molar.
On September 5th he got his bottom tooth next to his left front.
By September 6th he waves hi/bye all the time, and started saying "hi." He also started giving kisses, and blowing kisses.
He has his 15 month checkup scheduled for October 13th.
On July 20th I had my first Ob/Gyn visit for the second pregnancy, 8 weeks (Got an ultrasound)
On August 17th I had my second Ob/Gyn visit, 12 weeks (Got an ultrasound)
On September 14th I had my 3rd Ob/Gyn visit, 16 weeks
I have my 20 week visit and ultrasound for gender determination scheduled for October 12th.
I guess that's all the recent stats and news!!
In other news, We've been trying to cook dinner more often, and try new recipes. I spent a couple hours one night searching and printing all sorts of recipes we thought we might like. We did really good for like 2 weeks cooking dinner.
We had dinner several nights in a row, all yummy stuff. I meant to type it out earlier, but didn't get a chance.
It's not hard to cook every night, it just helps to be prepared!!
Last night we had:
Meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes, creamy garlic shells, and peas.
Tonight we are having:
Pork scalloppine, scampi rice, broccoli w/ cheese sauce, and green beans.
The menu for the rest of the week is:
Thurs- McCormick slow cooker Italian Herb Chicken, with linguine.
Friday- Stuffed peppers and spaghetti
Saturday-Leftover sauce and making chicken parmesan with it.
Sunday- London Broil with golden mushroom gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, and broccoli w/ cheese.
We'll see if we can stick to it!!! It can be hard when you're tired, or pressed for time, but I've been doing a good job of prepping things the night before, like cutting vegetables and stuff to help save time the next night :-)
Last week I did that, just cut vegetables, and put them in a bowl with water, and put it in the fridge, and they stay fine. I did that for a slow cooker pot roast one night, and for soup i did one night, when I made vegetable beef soup and chicken soup. Works out great.
Okay, it's getting late and I better hop on starting tonight's dinner.
I swear I will try to write more often!
I said I'd write, and I slacked off for months.
Things got superbusy.
We had a huge birthday party for Logan in July that took up a lot of time and planning, plus my usual work and whatnot.
In June we found out I am pregnant again!!
I am currently 19 weeks, 1 day.
We find out on Tuesday, October 12th what the gender is. I'm feeling excited and nervous.
I've been feeling the baby move since about 11 weeks, what most people refer to as the "fluttering feeling," but in the last week or so I've felt harder movement similar to kicking.
Then last night, 10/5/10, I was actually able to see a small movement while watching my belly. So I guess it's about to really start going crazy in there!!
Don't know where I left off on Logan's achievements.
By April 1st he was consistently waving hello/goodbye.
On April 2nd he got his 6th tooth. The top right one next to his front tooth.
On April 6th he was walking while someone helped hold his hands.
On April 10th he was army crawling like crazy.
On April 14th he had his 9 month checkup. He was 23.5 lbs, and 28 3/4 inches long.
On April 21st he had a fever of 100.5, we gave him medicine and took him to urgent care. By the time we got in there and seen, the medicine had reduced his fever, and they said so just keep an eye on it. On the 22nd it never got higher than 99.5
On April 24th I have it written down that he did his first "real" crawling, and it was also his first swim in the pool.
By April 25th he was saying "baba" and "papa" quite a bit.
On April 27th he started really crawling forward several feet at a time (Yes, I know, he was a late crawler).
By the following day, April 28th, he was crawling across entire rooms!! The same day he also pulled himself up to a standing position.
On April 30th he was saying "mama"and doing "so big!" a lot.
On June 7th he tried ice cream for the first time. He also tried meatloaf for the first time.
On June 8th he had pierogies for the first time.
On June 9th he was eating really great with a fork (pasta pickups).
He had his 1 year checkup on July 14th. He was 26 lbs., and 31 1/4 inches. His head circumference was 47.5 cm, which was in the 75th percentile.
His big birthday bash was on July 17th.
On July 22nd, Logan took his first steps all alone.
Logan took a good fall on August 19th, I'd rather not discuss it, but he took a good tumble and I've never been so scared in my life.
On September 1st, Logan got his back left molar.
On September 5th he got his bottom tooth next to his left front.
By September 6th he waves hi/bye all the time, and started saying "hi." He also started giving kisses, and blowing kisses.
He has his 15 month checkup scheduled for October 13th.
On July 20th I had my first Ob/Gyn visit for the second pregnancy, 8 weeks (Got an ultrasound)
On August 17th I had my second Ob/Gyn visit, 12 weeks (Got an ultrasound)
On September 14th I had my 3rd Ob/Gyn visit, 16 weeks
I have my 20 week visit and ultrasound for gender determination scheduled for October 12th.
I guess that's all the recent stats and news!!
In other news, We've been trying to cook dinner more often, and try new recipes. I spent a couple hours one night searching and printing all sorts of recipes we thought we might like. We did really good for like 2 weeks cooking dinner.
We had dinner several nights in a row, all yummy stuff. I meant to type it out earlier, but didn't get a chance.
It's not hard to cook every night, it just helps to be prepared!!
Last night we had:
Meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes, creamy garlic shells, and peas.
Tonight we are having:
Pork scalloppine, scampi rice, broccoli w/ cheese sauce, and green beans.
The menu for the rest of the week is:
Thurs- McCormick slow cooker Italian Herb Chicken, with linguine.
Friday- Stuffed peppers and spaghetti
Saturday-Leftover sauce and making chicken parmesan with it.
Sunday- London Broil with golden mushroom gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, and broccoli w/ cheese.
We'll see if we can stick to it!!! It can be hard when you're tired, or pressed for time, but I've been doing a good job of prepping things the night before, like cutting vegetables and stuff to help save time the next night :-)
Last week I did that, just cut vegetables, and put them in a bowl with water, and put it in the fridge, and they stay fine. I did that for a slow cooker pot roast one night, and for soup i did one night, when I made vegetable beef soup and chicken soup. Works out great.
Okay, it's getting late and I better hop on starting tonight's dinner.
I swear I will try to write more often!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
It's Tuesday, my day off. Actually got some solid sleep last night, so even though Logan and I were up at 8:30am, I'm feeling pretty good.
I started my REAL diet/exercise plan yesterday. Keeping it light on the exercise to start because of my breathing issues (pretty bad asthma). Just started out with some situps yesterday, since that's the area I'm really wanting to work on anyway. Did decent on the diet and drinking water. Took a brisk walk with Logan in the evening.
My other task is now that I work at 6am on the days I work, waking up is hard. I've NEVER been a morning person. I also never liked regular coffee. I would get Frappes, or Frappuccinos, or French Vanilla Cappuccinos and stuff. And all those pack on the calories. So I get the wake up effect of the coffee, but also the pounds packed on. So I'm trying some regular coffee today. Trying to get used to it. A little bit of sugar, and I bought french vanilla creamer that doesn't have too many calories. Not too bad. A LOT less calories than the other drinks that can have 400 or more calories depending on size. Yeah. That's 400 wasteful calories. So maybe I will only get those once a month or something as a reward. I don't know. Just not several times a week now.
I've got a goal of losing 30 lbs in 3 months.
I would like to look nice at Logan's birthday party so I'm more comfortable with myself for pictures.
His party is July 17th, so that's 3 months+.
It sounds like a high goal, and it is I guess, but I've done it before. I lost 30 lbs in about 3 months during my pre-wedding time. It wasn't even that hard. I do expect it will be tougher now since a lot of people have trouble losing the baby weight, it's distributed very differently!! (my huge sagging tummy pouch).
I contacted someone about purchasing a stationary bike from Craigslist. And I'm going to put that in my room, so in any down time while watching tv, I can be doing that in stead of sitting doing nothing. I'd get a treadmill or other equipment, but we just don't have the room right now. So walking, biking, and situps should be good to get started. As long as I can keep with the diet. I know you're not supposed to expect results right away. But if I can lose a few pounds in the first week or two, I know like last time that that will be enough to keep me going. Once I see a few pounds come off, it always keeps me really motivated to continue on. If I try this for a few weeks and don't see ANY results, well, I'm probably not exercising or dieting very well, and I will basically probably get discouraged and quit. I think it should be easy to lose the first few though, because I was definitely eating wayyyyy above the Daily Average calorie intake amount recently. We've had so much going on, and things have been crazy and whatever. And I'm an emotional eater. So combine that with not having time to cook, and basically I was probably scarfing down twice the amount of calories I should have. I could make a sandwich at home for probably less than 300 calories, or get one out somewhere for probably 600 or more. So just stopping those dumb choices will likely cut my calories almost in half right off the bat. I'm also not eating late at night. I had a late dinner last night, but I didn't eat ANYTHING after 6:30 :-)
I considered eating a cherry italian ice at around 8, but after i saw that it had 130 calories in it, I just grabbed a glass of water and chugged that to make myself feel fuller, lol.
So let's hope this all works!!!
In other news, Logan is almost 9 months, ALREADY!!
He's got 4 teeth, and 2 more are making their way through!! Crazy.
He's still only crawling backwards, and spinning in circles, but honestly, I'm not pushing him. I don't care if your kid crawled when they were 6 months, and walked when they were 7 months.
And I hate parents that flaunt that stuff. Your kid will probably just be slower in other areas. lol.
I know a girl whose child was walking at 9 months. That's great, but he's OVER 3 years old and not potty trained. Sooooo, that walking milestone doesn't mean that much that he was "advanced" as she put it, now that your kid is still PEEING ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE.
That sounded mean. Sorry.
Brag about your kids milestones, but don't be a bitch about it!!
(And no, none of you who will ever read this know the girl, so don't worry, it's not directed at any of you!)
Soooo no, my kid isn't fully crawling and he isn't walking yet. But I don't care :-)
He's still adorable and intelligent nevertheless.
He still loves EVERYTHING he's been given to eat. Which cracks me up. Never has he ever spit anything out. He's eating baby food a lot of the time, because I want to make sure he's getting all the nutrition he needs and a dinner, a fruit, and a vegetable and all. But as for big people food, he loves loves loves potatoes. We've given him ours when we have baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, or even some other seasoned kinds. He liked scrambled eggs, and hard boiled eggs. LOVES spaghetti. My brother nick gave him some rosemary carrots and green beans the one night which he ate. I know we've given him other things, I just can't remember right now.But he's a good eater. I love him.
Okay, I'm out for now.
I gotta check this site out a little more and figure out how to throw some pictures on here.
I started my REAL diet/exercise plan yesterday. Keeping it light on the exercise to start because of my breathing issues (pretty bad asthma). Just started out with some situps yesterday, since that's the area I'm really wanting to work on anyway. Did decent on the diet and drinking water. Took a brisk walk with Logan in the evening.
My other task is now that I work at 6am on the days I work, waking up is hard. I've NEVER been a morning person. I also never liked regular coffee. I would get Frappes, or Frappuccinos, or French Vanilla Cappuccinos and stuff. And all those pack on the calories. So I get the wake up effect of the coffee, but also the pounds packed on. So I'm trying some regular coffee today. Trying to get used to it. A little bit of sugar, and I bought french vanilla creamer that doesn't have too many calories. Not too bad. A LOT less calories than the other drinks that can have 400 or more calories depending on size. Yeah. That's 400 wasteful calories. So maybe I will only get those once a month or something as a reward. I don't know. Just not several times a week now.
I've got a goal of losing 30 lbs in 3 months.
I would like to look nice at Logan's birthday party so I'm more comfortable with myself for pictures.
His party is July 17th, so that's 3 months+.
It sounds like a high goal, and it is I guess, but I've done it before. I lost 30 lbs in about 3 months during my pre-wedding time. It wasn't even that hard. I do expect it will be tougher now since a lot of people have trouble losing the baby weight, it's distributed very differently!! (my huge sagging tummy pouch).
I contacted someone about purchasing a stationary bike from Craigslist. And I'm going to put that in my room, so in any down time while watching tv, I can be doing that in stead of sitting doing nothing. I'd get a treadmill or other equipment, but we just don't have the room right now. So walking, biking, and situps should be good to get started. As long as I can keep with the diet. I know you're not supposed to expect results right away. But if I can lose a few pounds in the first week or two, I know like last time that that will be enough to keep me going. Once I see a few pounds come off, it always keeps me really motivated to continue on. If I try this for a few weeks and don't see ANY results, well, I'm probably not exercising or dieting very well, and I will basically probably get discouraged and quit. I think it should be easy to lose the first few though, because I was definitely eating wayyyyy above the Daily Average calorie intake amount recently. We've had so much going on, and things have been crazy and whatever. And I'm an emotional eater. So combine that with not having time to cook, and basically I was probably scarfing down twice the amount of calories I should have. I could make a sandwich at home for probably less than 300 calories, or get one out somewhere for probably 600 or more. So just stopping those dumb choices will likely cut my calories almost in half right off the bat. I'm also not eating late at night. I had a late dinner last night, but I didn't eat ANYTHING after 6:30 :-)
I considered eating a cherry italian ice at around 8, but after i saw that it had 130 calories in it, I just grabbed a glass of water and chugged that to make myself feel fuller, lol.
So let's hope this all works!!!
In other news, Logan is almost 9 months, ALREADY!!
He's got 4 teeth, and 2 more are making their way through!! Crazy.
He's still only crawling backwards, and spinning in circles, but honestly, I'm not pushing him. I don't care if your kid crawled when they were 6 months, and walked when they were 7 months.
And I hate parents that flaunt that stuff. Your kid will probably just be slower in other areas. lol.
I know a girl whose child was walking at 9 months. That's great, but he's OVER 3 years old and not potty trained. Sooooo, that walking milestone doesn't mean that much that he was "advanced" as she put it, now that your kid is still PEEING ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE.
That sounded mean. Sorry.
Brag about your kids milestones, but don't be a bitch about it!!
(And no, none of you who will ever read this know the girl, so don't worry, it's not directed at any of you!)
Soooo no, my kid isn't fully crawling and he isn't walking yet. But I don't care :-)
He's still adorable and intelligent nevertheless.
He still loves EVERYTHING he's been given to eat. Which cracks me up. Never has he ever spit anything out. He's eating baby food a lot of the time, because I want to make sure he's getting all the nutrition he needs and a dinner, a fruit, and a vegetable and all. But as for big people food, he loves loves loves potatoes. We've given him ours when we have baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, or even some other seasoned kinds. He liked scrambled eggs, and hard boiled eggs. LOVES spaghetti. My brother nick gave him some rosemary carrots and green beans the one night which he ate. I know we've given him other things, I just can't remember right now.But he's a good eater. I love him.
Okay, I'm out for now.
I gotta check this site out a little more and figure out how to throw some pictures on here.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Still hate thinking of titles
So, I've become a little obsessed with Logan's 1st birthday party. I'm not even sure why. I know he obviously won't remember it, but I'm kind of wanting to make it a big thing. I was going to do a regular old grocery store cake with a winnie the pooh frame photoimage, and a decoset on it, but then i started looking up and googling different winnie the pooh party ideas and cakes and decorations and stuff. And there's a good chance if I can find a bakery to do what I want, that I may be spending WAY too much on a cake. But SHHHH we aren't telling daddy haha.
Whatever. I do what I want haha
I have most of the details figured out, and half the decorations/plates/etc bought. But I won't know just how much more I have to buy until we get right down to the date after I get the RSVPs and all. Either way, I found some cute ideas online, but will have to make/create some of the decorations myself. So I'll have my work cut out for me, but it'll be fun :-)
So it's late, but I'm probably going to spend at least another 30 minutes or so on here hunting ideas down haha. But at least I'm not procrastinating and waiting until the last minute!!
Whatever. I do what I want haha
I have most of the details figured out, and half the decorations/plates/etc bought. But I won't know just how much more I have to buy until we get right down to the date after I get the RSVPs and all. Either way, I found some cute ideas online, but will have to make/create some of the decorations myself. So I'll have my work cut out for me, but it'll be fun :-)
So it's late, but I'm probably going to spend at least another 30 minutes or so on here hunting ideas down haha. But at least I'm not procrastinating and waiting until the last minute!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
I am currently being a weirdo...as always. And am up online looking at party favors and deciding what and where I'm ordering Logan's first birthday stuff from.
I already bought half the decorations.
I've already decided I'm ordering from at least 2 different websites for some stuff. A little lost on favors, because I want to stick with theme, and that limits me a bit, plus I may mainly have really really young kids if the people I invite can come. So IDK.
I know it's 4 months away, but I don't want to get caught off guard at the last minute. Plus if I start now, I don't end up shelling out a bajillion dollars all at once. If I start little by little now...it doesn't seem so bad. And Matt won't realize quite how much I'm spending hahahahha.
I already bought half the decorations.
I've already decided I'm ordering from at least 2 different websites for some stuff. A little lost on favors, because I want to stick with theme, and that limits me a bit, plus I may mainly have really really young kids if the people I invite can come. So IDK.
I know it's 4 months away, but I don't want to get caught off guard at the last minute. Plus if I start now, I don't end up shelling out a bajillion dollars all at once. If I start little by little now...it doesn't seem so bad. And Matt won't realize quite how much I'm spending hahahahha.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I hate blog titles :-)
Well, what's been up.....hm.
Got our phone upgrades FINALLY!
Matt got some samsung thingy, and I got a Blackberry curve. DEFINITELY wasn't so sure about it at first! Very different and hard to get used to at first. But after about a day and a half, I WAS IN LOVE! haha.
I also joined this site for BB addicts, called Crackberry.com. Sounds silly, but it is REALLY helpful! Has great tips, tricks, tutorials and hints. So yeah, I love it. And you can BBM, which is like texting basically, but only for blackberry's and doesn't count against you text message allottment if someone is on another network (like my Verizon to Verizon texts are unlimited, but not my ones to other networks. not that it really matters cause i never go anywhere near my limit haha)
So yeah, i basically love it though. My first full keyboard :-)
Logan has 2 teeth popped all the way through. The bottom fronts. And his one top one is just poking it's way through. It's just poked the tip through the gum, and hasn't gone any further in the last 3 days or so, so he's been crabby. But I can imagine it's only because it's really causing him a lot of pain. And my mom has a feeling once that top one comes all the way through ta=hat the other top one next to it will be following cloesly behind!
My diet is going okay. I lost like maybe another pound, down about 5-6 total. But I haven't really been trying. My mom and I have been so bad lately. Takeout. A lot of it. 2 fridays in a row we got Romeo's. Both times I got chicken parmigiana and pasta. The friday or saturday before that we got Rockne's. I had a steak sandwich and a few fries. Thursday I came home and mom had already ordered Jimmy Johns. Which isn't that bad. Because what I get, I can eat the whole footlong sub and it's only like 400 calories. Turkey sub, extra tomato and lettuce only.
Yesterday we got chinese. Which isn't great, but I'm not a fan of vegetables, so what I get helps me get my veggies in. Combination platter thingy of pork fried rice and chicken with broccoli.
Then tonight dad wasn't hungry, he's not feeling well, and it was just me and her again. So we said screw cooking dinner. We got Rockne's again. Same thing I had last time. haha
We're such fatasses. Oh well.
Not sure what else to write about.
Got our phone upgrades FINALLY!
Matt got some samsung thingy, and I got a Blackberry curve. DEFINITELY wasn't so sure about it at first! Very different and hard to get used to at first. But after about a day and a half, I WAS IN LOVE! haha.
I also joined this site for BB addicts, called Crackberry.com. Sounds silly, but it is REALLY helpful! Has great tips, tricks, tutorials and hints. So yeah, I love it. And you can BBM, which is like texting basically, but only for blackberry's and doesn't count against you text message allottment if someone is on another network (like my Verizon to Verizon texts are unlimited, but not my ones to other networks. not that it really matters cause i never go anywhere near my limit haha)
So yeah, i basically love it though. My first full keyboard :-)
Logan has 2 teeth popped all the way through. The bottom fronts. And his one top one is just poking it's way through. It's just poked the tip through the gum, and hasn't gone any further in the last 3 days or so, so he's been crabby. But I can imagine it's only because it's really causing him a lot of pain. And my mom has a feeling once that top one comes all the way through ta=hat the other top one next to it will be following cloesly behind!
My diet is going okay. I lost like maybe another pound, down about 5-6 total. But I haven't really been trying. My mom and I have been so bad lately. Takeout. A lot of it. 2 fridays in a row we got Romeo's. Both times I got chicken parmigiana and pasta. The friday or saturday before that we got Rockne's. I had a steak sandwich and a few fries. Thursday I came home and mom had already ordered Jimmy Johns. Which isn't that bad. Because what I get, I can eat the whole footlong sub and it's only like 400 calories. Turkey sub, extra tomato and lettuce only.
Yesterday we got chinese. Which isn't great, but I'm not a fan of vegetables, so what I get helps me get my veggies in. Combination platter thingy of pork fried rice and chicken with broccoli.
Then tonight dad wasn't hungry, he's not feeling well, and it was just me and her again. So we said screw cooking dinner. We got Rockne's again. Same thing I had last time. haha
We're such fatasses. Oh well.
Not sure what else to write about.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I should really really be in bed
But I'm not!
And that's stupid, because I work early in the morning, and this morning I COULD NOT wake up. Like at all.
I got a good amount of sleep and everything, I just don't know why, but I couldn't keep myself going. Annoying.
No one's on Myspace much anymore, but I already played around on there. I checked the MGH website, and looked at pics of new babies (I do this about once a week, I'm a total freak), went on TFLN, went on PostSecret.....in the middle of all that, I logged into and out of Facebook like 4 times. My Farmville is all caught up, I even rearranged it, LOL.
I created this dorky new websitey thing I saw on someone's page. It's not the first time I've seen one, but just the first time I was bored enough to do it also.
Blah. I'm so bored.
But I think I can finally feel myself starting to get tired. So maybe I should just get off the computer already and try to go to bed!!
Alright...I'm going...
And that's stupid, because I work early in the morning, and this morning I COULD NOT wake up. Like at all.
I got a good amount of sleep and everything, I just don't know why, but I couldn't keep myself going. Annoying.
No one's on Myspace much anymore, but I already played around on there. I checked the MGH website, and looked at pics of new babies (I do this about once a week, I'm a total freak), went on TFLN, went on PostSecret.....in the middle of all that, I logged into and out of Facebook like 4 times. My Farmville is all caught up, I even rearranged it, LOL.
I created this dorky new websitey thing I saw on someone's page. It's not the first time I've seen one, but just the first time I was bored enough to do it also.
Blah. I'm so bored.
But I think I can finally feel myself starting to get tired. So maybe I should just get off the computer already and try to go to bed!!
Alright...I'm going...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
2/2/0/10 I'm like way behind as usual
I always get on here to write, get distracted by facebook or something, then end up signing off, and realizing I wanted to update this haha. But then I'm too lazy to sign back in, lol.
Logan's got 2 teeth popped through now. He's also a rolling machine. Which is funny, because he hated it at first.
I've been having crazy dreams lately. The one on Thursday night was about a housefire, and someone was watching Liam and Logan, and they said they got them out of the house. But for some reason I had a bad feeling, so I told my mom, and I went into the house, and found both of them, still in the house, plus like 2 cats and 2 dogs. And I had to get them all out...IDK, it was just weird.
Then last night I had a dream about work. Also really weird. We were busy this week, and I had a lot of stuff to do, and I'm guessing that's what my dream was about. Without getting into too much detail it was like me, making a lot of stuff, and people coming in crowds to buy it, and I just couldn't keep up!! No matter how fast I went. Weird...
I'm way behind on all my tv shows, and the Olympics is making it even worse!! I'm still like 3 episodes behind on Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters (even though they've been showing repeats or not been on a lot lately). I'm 1 episode behind on Lost. 1 episode behind on Leverage, which was the season finale.
I've managed to stay current on Grey's Anatomy, and Project Runway, and also the new shows that follows PR, the Models of the Runway show.
But I'm just going to be more screwed because Flash Forward is coming back on in like 4 weeks I think, and I think new episodes of Southland are back on in a week or so. (I love me some Ben McKenzie, and I loved this show, then NBC cancelled it cause they're assholes. But not TNT picked it up, and they've been re-showing the first season, and are now going to start new eps). Then I also watch Dark Blue on TNT (also due to the hot guys! haha) and I think that might be starting again soon, but I'm not sure.
I know, I know, I really do watch a lot of tv. But I don't do much else during the week at night. Matt's usually working, and I've got the baby. So yeah.
OH, then there's always American Idol which I'll watch whenever I can too, but I'm not a diehard fan.
Okay, I'm frickin starving. I slept late, but I woke up hungry, which is the worst, so I'm going to go get something to eat now. Later!
Logan's got 2 teeth popped through now. He's also a rolling machine. Which is funny, because he hated it at first.
I've been having crazy dreams lately. The one on Thursday night was about a housefire, and someone was watching Liam and Logan, and they said they got them out of the house. But for some reason I had a bad feeling, so I told my mom, and I went into the house, and found both of them, still in the house, plus like 2 cats and 2 dogs. And I had to get them all out...IDK, it was just weird.
Then last night I had a dream about work. Also really weird. We were busy this week, and I had a lot of stuff to do, and I'm guessing that's what my dream was about. Without getting into too much detail it was like me, making a lot of stuff, and people coming in crowds to buy it, and I just couldn't keep up!! No matter how fast I went. Weird...
I'm way behind on all my tv shows, and the Olympics is making it even worse!! I'm still like 3 episodes behind on Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters (even though they've been showing repeats or not been on a lot lately). I'm 1 episode behind on Lost. 1 episode behind on Leverage, which was the season finale.
I've managed to stay current on Grey's Anatomy, and Project Runway, and also the new shows that follows PR, the Models of the Runway show.
But I'm just going to be more screwed because Flash Forward is coming back on in like 4 weeks I think, and I think new episodes of Southland are back on in a week or so. (I love me some Ben McKenzie, and I loved this show, then NBC cancelled it cause they're assholes. But not TNT picked it up, and they've been re-showing the first season, and are now going to start new eps). Then I also watch Dark Blue on TNT (also due to the hot guys! haha) and I think that might be starting again soon, but I'm not sure.
I know, I know, I really do watch a lot of tv. But I don't do much else during the week at night. Matt's usually working, and I've got the baby. So yeah.
OH, then there's always American Idol which I'll watch whenever I can too, but I'm not a diehard fan.
Okay, I'm frickin starving. I slept late, but I woke up hungry, which is the worst, so I'm going to go get something to eat now. Later!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
So I started my diet the other day, 2/1/10.
I need to lose even more than I thought. I've gained back a few lbs. in the last month or so. So yuck to that.
I've been doing good.
2/2 and 2/3 I only ate 3 regular meals, no snacks. All zero calorie drinks (water or Pepsi max, which is diet).
So I'm pretty proud of myself.
I did 40 situps yesterday, and 50 situps today. I'm easing into it slowly.
I really want to lose at lease 30 lbs. That's my goal by June anyway.
Logan's doing good, we got 6 month pictures taken on Tuesday. They came out pretty cute. Got more than I planned on getting, but the saleslady/photographer was a bit pushier than last time. Oh well though, it's okay. I wanted to straight up be like, well, I only have 115$ in my bank account right now, so quit being pushy I obviously can't spend money I don't have!!! lol
But we got like 5 or 6 poses or whatever, so that's fine.
He's been teething even worse lately, those bottom 2 teeth are SO close, but haven't broken through. The drooling is insane. And some nights he's been waking up crying, in what I can tell is pain. I feel bad for him.
Other than that, not a whole lot else going on lately!
So I started my diet the other day, 2/1/10.
I need to lose even more than I thought. I've gained back a few lbs. in the last month or so. So yuck to that.
I've been doing good.
2/2 and 2/3 I only ate 3 regular meals, no snacks. All zero calorie drinks (water or Pepsi max, which is diet).
So I'm pretty proud of myself.
I did 40 situps yesterday, and 50 situps today. I'm easing into it slowly.
I really want to lose at lease 30 lbs. That's my goal by June anyway.
Logan's doing good, we got 6 month pictures taken on Tuesday. They came out pretty cute. Got more than I planned on getting, but the saleslady/photographer was a bit pushier than last time. Oh well though, it's okay. I wanted to straight up be like, well, I only have 115$ in my bank account right now, so quit being pushy I obviously can't spend money I don't have!!! lol
But we got like 5 or 6 poses or whatever, so that's fine.
He's been teething even worse lately, those bottom 2 teeth are SO close, but haven't broken through. The drooling is insane. And some nights he's been waking up crying, in what I can tell is pain. I feel bad for him.
Other than that, not a whole lot else going on lately!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
This child just POUNDED down about a good 8 ounces of baby food.
He eats better than I do!!!
He had Sweet Potatoes & Turkey, and Vegetable Risotto with Cheese. Then some Banana/Plun/Grape dessert.
He eats better than I do!!!
He had Sweet Potatoes & Turkey, and Vegetable Risotto with Cheese. Then some Banana/Plun/Grape dessert.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I should totally be in bed.
I should totally be in bed.
It's almost 1am. But Matt let me sleep REALLY late today (I went to bed pretty late Sat night though). So now I can't sleep.
I don't have the energy for a full update, but I definitely can write all about my SUPER annoying visit to the pediatrician's on Friday when I do get the energy.
Logan is 20 lbs. 3 ounces, and 28 inches long :-)
It's almost 1am. But Matt let me sleep REALLY late today (I went to bed pretty late Sat night though). So now I can't sleep.
I don't have the energy for a full update, but I definitely can write all about my SUPER annoying visit to the pediatrician's on Friday when I do get the energy.
Logan is 20 lbs. 3 ounces, and 28 inches long :-)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Lazy Sunday. yet again.
Well not really.
I didn't get up until after 11, but before it was even 2pm, I had fed the baby, bathed the baby, cleaned out the fridge, done the dishes, put the baby down for a nap, made tonight's dinner, and started tomm night's dinner.
Now i've been sitting around doing nothing since like 3pm. But whatever.
Logan is doing fabulously with his 2nd foods still. He conquered Chicken, then Beef, and now is on to Turkey. He's also tried and loved an array of mixed vegetables and fruits and desserts. So yay for that.
Tomm is half birthday (AKA 6 months old!).
His Dr. appt. is on Friday.
I said I wasn't going to go all out and go to Portrait Innovations again and do 6 month pictures...
Since I spent a ton on 3 month pictures....
But I might have lied.
I didn't tell my mom or my husband yet, but I might blow another $90 on pictures again in the next few weeks. I just can't help myself.
They do that $9.95 package that has TONS of sheets of one photo, but then to get other images and the cd, you have to choose a few more photos which costs more. But for like $90 last time we got like 4 poses, and a bonus 8x10 or 10x13 or something, and 6 free cards, and the cd which i love. So you can have all those proofs they take.
I don't think I could go and pick out JUST ONE proof to do the $9.95 deal, you know?
We'll see.
My sister's friend Amber wants me to go to this Kiddie Candids place. She needs to get certified on infant photography or something, but I'm not sure how expensive they are. So yeah, idk.
Well, the baby will be up soon, and I need to finish dinner and set the table, so I have to run, but will be back on Friday (if not before then) to update everyone on the lil man!
I didn't get up until after 11, but before it was even 2pm, I had fed the baby, bathed the baby, cleaned out the fridge, done the dishes, put the baby down for a nap, made tonight's dinner, and started tomm night's dinner.
Now i've been sitting around doing nothing since like 3pm. But whatever.
Logan is doing fabulously with his 2nd foods still. He conquered Chicken, then Beef, and now is on to Turkey. He's also tried and loved an array of mixed vegetables and fruits and desserts. So yay for that.
Tomm is half birthday (AKA 6 months old!).
His Dr. appt. is on Friday.
I said I wasn't going to go all out and go to Portrait Innovations again and do 6 month pictures...
Since I spent a ton on 3 month pictures....
But I might have lied.
I didn't tell my mom or my husband yet, but I might blow another $90 on pictures again in the next few weeks. I just can't help myself.
They do that $9.95 package that has TONS of sheets of one photo, but then to get other images and the cd, you have to choose a few more photos which costs more. But for like $90 last time we got like 4 poses, and a bonus 8x10 or 10x13 or something, and 6 free cards, and the cd which i love. So you can have all those proofs they take.
I don't think I could go and pick out JUST ONE proof to do the $9.95 deal, you know?
We'll see.
My sister's friend Amber wants me to go to this Kiddie Candids place. She needs to get certified on infant photography or something, but I'm not sure how expensive they are. So yeah, idk.
Well, the baby will be up soon, and I need to finish dinner and set the table, so I have to run, but will be back on Friday (if not before then) to update everyone on the lil man!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I'm very cranky today
I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed...I don't know.
EVERYTHING has been making me irritated or frustrated. Blah.
Maybe it's anticipation of my diet starting tomm. yuck.
Well, I've heard many parents say that when their baby started foods, to watch out when it came to the meats, because their kids hated them, or played around and didn't eat them...
Friday Logan started the chicken for dinner with some apple-blueberry and carrots. Grandma said he ate it really good (mommy and daddy were out on a date)
Well, Saturday Logan had:
Strawberry/Pear/Granola for breakfast.
Apple-Blueberry/Prunes/Carrots for lunch.
Peaches/Green Beans/Chicken for dinner. And then Dutch Apple Dessert.
He LOVED the chicken!
He had almost the same thing for all meals today and ate it so good!
So lucky us, so far he is eating his meats and everything else very well!
EVERYTHING has been making me irritated or frustrated. Blah.
Maybe it's anticipation of my diet starting tomm. yuck.
Well, I've heard many parents say that when their baby started foods, to watch out when it came to the meats, because their kids hated them, or played around and didn't eat them...
Friday Logan started the chicken for dinner with some apple-blueberry and carrots. Grandma said he ate it really good (mommy and daddy were out on a date)
Well, Saturday Logan had:
Strawberry/Pear/Granola for breakfast.
Apple-Blueberry/Prunes/Carrots for lunch.
Peaches/Green Beans/Chicken for dinner. And then Dutch Apple Dessert.
He LOVED the chicken!
He had almost the same thing for all meals today and ate it so good!
So lucky us, so far he is eating his meats and everything else very well!
Friday, January 1, 2010
So I was going to wait until today, Friday 1-1-10 to start Logan's 2nd Foods, but I couldn't wait, and gave him some "dessert" yesterday after dinner. Dutch Apple Dessert. He loved it.
Then I found out later that grandma gave him some fruit thingy thats a 2nd foods on accident yesterday while I was at work cause she didn't realize I was waiting until today. Oh well!!
He starts his full real day of 2nd foods today.
Today he had
Breakfast- Rice Cereal/Green Beans/Peaches (Daddy is silly and didn't understand he didn't have to give him veggies for breakfast lol. We have to give him a break, he hasn't ever fed babies.)
Lunch-Green Beans/Apple-Blueberry/Prunes.
Dinner is going to be Chicken-Chicken Gravy stuff/Dutch Apple Dessert
We have decided he's going to have rice cereal and fruit for breakfast (or, on lazy days, just the already prepared baby food and fruit mixed-like i bought a few of the like pear strawberry granola ones and stuff). For Lunch he is going to have a fruit and a veggie AND prunes. And for Dinner he will have one of the meats/meals and a dessert. We have no problem gaining weight or anything, so we're going to work on it and start with just doing his cereal only for breakfast. If he has a hard time transitioning and still seems very hungry on just baby food alone, then we will do cereal for breakfast and lunch maybe. We go to the Dr. on the 19th I think, so we will fool with his feeding schedule, then consult with the Dr. on any changes to make at our appointment.
I'm really excited for him to try everything. I know I already said that, but I want him to be an awesome eater. I'm gung-ho on shopping for my baby food at more than one store in order to try and find all the flavors for the brands and all.
Giant Eagle had a sale, so I went yesterday. I was able to find a lot of the flavors I was looking for in the Nature's Goodness Brand. The sale was the 4 ounce jars, 10/$4. So I was buying a couple of a ton of different flavors. I am not sure if they don't make it in the 4 ounce jars, but I could only find the single meats, the chicken, beef, and turkey in the 2.5 ounce jars. So I don't know if they were out/don't carry the meats in the 4oz. jars, or does Nature's Goodness not make the meats in the 4 oz?
Well, anyway, I got 2 of the chicken in gravy, 2 of the beef in gravy, and 2 of the turkey in gravy of the 2.5 ounce jars. Those should each last him 4 days. I'm only giving him the meats for dinner, and that's like 1/2 a jar each night. So yeah. But after we get the single meats out of the way, I will probably not buy them anymore once we see that he has no allergy problems. I will just buy the meat mixed ones and dinners.
So I got those, then also got Chicken & Apples, Ham & Apples, Broccoli & Chicken, Chicken Noodle, Green Beans & Turkey, Mac n Cheese, Veg Beef Dumpling, Veg Chicken for his dinners/meats.
Then I got Tutti Frutti, Dutch Apple Dessert, for his desserts but that's about all Nature's Goodness had for desserts!! So I also got a few Gerber desserts, Hawaiian Delight, Peach Cobbler, and Vanilla Custard with Bananas. Which I didn't mind doing, but I was hoping to get everything on sale, but GE didn't seem to have/carry some of the NG flavors I was looking for like, Banana Pudding, Vanilla Custard, Fruit Dessert.
Then I got a lot of prunes too. Since the cereal seems to bind Logan up a little we are going to do a little bit of prunes with lunch everyday. He loves them so it's cool.
So yeah.
I already had several of just the regular single fruits and single veggies so I didn't have to buy any just yet.
another exciting announcement. He's been trying so darn hard for weeks, but today, 1-1-10 at 1:01pm, Logan rolled over all on his own! So proud of him. He's been sitting up pretty well for weeks now, but just hadn't quite gotten then hang of the rolling. So now we're on a roll!!
And tonight is mommy/daddy date night.
So I have to go get ready.
We are doing Olive Garden and a movie. It's been a while. A long while. So that should be nice.
Happy New Year!!
Then I found out later that grandma gave him some fruit thingy thats a 2nd foods on accident yesterday while I was at work cause she didn't realize I was waiting until today. Oh well!!
He starts his full real day of 2nd foods today.
Today he had
Breakfast- Rice Cereal/Green Beans/Peaches (Daddy is silly and didn't understand he didn't have to give him veggies for breakfast lol. We have to give him a break, he hasn't ever fed babies.)
Lunch-Green Beans/Apple-Blueberry/Prunes.
Dinner is going to be Chicken-Chicken Gravy stuff/Dutch Apple Dessert
We have decided he's going to have rice cereal and fruit for breakfast (or, on lazy days, just the already prepared baby food and fruit mixed-like i bought a few of the like pear strawberry granola ones and stuff). For Lunch he is going to have a fruit and a veggie AND prunes. And for Dinner he will have one of the meats/meals and a dessert. We have no problem gaining weight or anything, so we're going to work on it and start with just doing his cereal only for breakfast. If he has a hard time transitioning and still seems very hungry on just baby food alone, then we will do cereal for breakfast and lunch maybe. We go to the Dr. on the 19th I think, so we will fool with his feeding schedule, then consult with the Dr. on any changes to make at our appointment.
I'm really excited for him to try everything. I know I already said that, but I want him to be an awesome eater. I'm gung-ho on shopping for my baby food at more than one store in order to try and find all the flavors for the brands and all.
Giant Eagle had a sale, so I went yesterday. I was able to find a lot of the flavors I was looking for in the Nature's Goodness Brand. The sale was the 4 ounce jars, 10/$4. So I was buying a couple of a ton of different flavors. I am not sure if they don't make it in the 4 ounce jars, but I could only find the single meats, the chicken, beef, and turkey in the 2.5 ounce jars. So I don't know if they were out/don't carry the meats in the 4oz. jars, or does Nature's Goodness not make the meats in the 4 oz?
Well, anyway, I got 2 of the chicken in gravy, 2 of the beef in gravy, and 2 of the turkey in gravy of the 2.5 ounce jars. Those should each last him 4 days. I'm only giving him the meats for dinner, and that's like 1/2 a jar each night. So yeah. But after we get the single meats out of the way, I will probably not buy them anymore once we see that he has no allergy problems. I will just buy the meat mixed ones and dinners.
So I got those, then also got Chicken & Apples, Ham & Apples, Broccoli & Chicken, Chicken Noodle, Green Beans & Turkey, Mac n Cheese, Veg Beef Dumpling, Veg Chicken for his dinners/meats.
Then I got Tutti Frutti, Dutch Apple Dessert, for his desserts but that's about all Nature's Goodness had for desserts!! So I also got a few Gerber desserts, Hawaiian Delight, Peach Cobbler, and Vanilla Custard with Bananas. Which I didn't mind doing, but I was hoping to get everything on sale, but GE didn't seem to have/carry some of the NG flavors I was looking for like, Banana Pudding, Vanilla Custard, Fruit Dessert.
Then I got a lot of prunes too. Since the cereal seems to bind Logan up a little we are going to do a little bit of prunes with lunch everyday. He loves them so it's cool.
So yeah.
I already had several of just the regular single fruits and single veggies so I didn't have to buy any just yet.
another exciting announcement. He's been trying so darn hard for weeks, but today, 1-1-10 at 1:01pm, Logan rolled over all on his own! So proud of him. He's been sitting up pretty well for weeks now, but just hadn't quite gotten then hang of the rolling. So now we're on a roll!!
And tonight is mommy/daddy date night.
So I have to go get ready.
We are doing Olive Garden and a movie. It's been a while. A long while. So that should be nice.
Happy New Year!!
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