Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Long time, no type

So I know it's been way too long.
I said I'd write, and I slacked off for months.
Things got superbusy.
We had a huge birthday party for Logan in July that took up a lot of time and planning, plus my usual work and whatnot.
In June we found out I am pregnant again!!
I am currently 19 weeks, 1 day.
We find out on Tuesday, October 12th what the gender is. I'm feeling excited and nervous.
I've been feeling the baby move since about 11 weeks, what most people refer to as the "fluttering feeling," but in the last week or so I've felt harder movement similar to kicking.
Then last night, 10/5/10, I was actually able to see a small movement while watching my belly. So I guess it's about to really start going crazy in there!!

Don't know where I left off on Logan's achievements.
By April 1st he was consistently waving hello/goodbye.
On April 2nd he got his 6th tooth. The top right one next to his front tooth.
On April 6th he was walking while someone helped hold his hands.
On April 10th he was army crawling like crazy.
On April 14th he had his 9 month checkup. He was 23.5 lbs, and 28 3/4 inches long.
On April 21st he had a fever of 100.5, we gave him medicine and took him to urgent care. By the time we got in there and seen, the medicine had reduced his fever, and they said so just keep an eye on it. On the 22nd it never got higher than 99.5
On April 24th I have it written down that he did his first "real" crawling, and it was also his first swim in the pool.
By April 25th he was saying "baba" and "papa" quite a bit.
On April 27th he started really crawling forward several feet at a time (Yes, I know, he was a late crawler).
By the following day, April 28th, he was crawling across entire rooms!! The same day he also pulled himself up to a standing position.
On April 30th he was saying "mama"and doing "so big!" a lot.
On June 7th he tried ice cream for the first time. He also tried meatloaf for the first time.
On June 8th he had pierogies for the first time.
On June 9th he was eating really great with a fork (pasta pickups).
He had his 1 year checkup on July 14th. He was 26 lbs., and 31 1/4 inches. His head circumference was 47.5 cm, which was in the 75th percentile.
His big birthday bash was on July 17th.
On July 22nd, Logan took his first steps all alone.
Logan took a good fall on August 19th, I'd rather not discuss it, but he took a good tumble and I've never been so scared in my life.
On September 1st, Logan got his back left molar.
On September 5th he got his bottom tooth next to his left front.
By September 6th he waves hi/bye all the time, and started saying "hi." He also started giving kisses, and blowing kisses.
He has his 15 month checkup scheduled for October 13th.

On July 20th I had my first Ob/Gyn visit for the second pregnancy, 8 weeks (Got an ultrasound)
On August 17th I had my second Ob/Gyn visit, 12 weeks (Got an ultrasound)
On September 14th I had my 3rd Ob/Gyn visit, 16 weeks
I have my 20 week visit and ultrasound for gender determination scheduled for October 12th.

I guess that's all the recent stats and news!!

In other news, We've been trying to cook dinner more often, and try new recipes. I spent a couple hours one night searching and printing all sorts of recipes we thought we might like. We did really good for like 2 weeks cooking dinner.
We had dinner several nights in a row, all yummy stuff. I meant to type it out earlier, but didn't get a chance.
It's not hard to cook every night, it just helps to be prepared!!
Last night we had:
Meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes, creamy garlic shells, and peas.

Tonight we are having:
Pork scalloppine, scampi rice, broccoli w/ cheese sauce, and green beans.

The menu for the rest of the week is:

Thurs- McCormick slow cooker Italian Herb Chicken, with linguine.

Friday- Stuffed peppers and spaghetti

Saturday-Leftover sauce and making chicken parmesan with it.

Sunday- London Broil with golden mushroom gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, and broccoli w/ cheese.

We'll see if we can stick to it!!! It can be hard when you're tired, or pressed for time, but I've been doing a good job of prepping things the night before, like cutting vegetables and stuff to help save time the next night :-)

Last week I did that, just cut vegetables, and put them in a bowl with water, and put it in the fridge, and they stay fine. I did that for a slow cooker pot roast one night, and for soup i did one night, when I made vegetable beef soup and chicken soup. Works out great.

Okay, it's getting late and I better hop on starting tonight's dinner.
I swear I will try to write more often!

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