Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I can't ever think of titles...

So last night sucked ass.
Big time.

I made dinner for everyone, and was all excited to eat it. I made chicken and gravy and rice.
So I eat and everything, and I was feeling pretty great all day.
Then like 20 minutes later, I start feeling like crap, and really nauseous.

So yeah, I made it into the bathroom just in time to get sick.
This sucks.
I'm more than 27 weeks along now, and still getting sick. Soooooo unfair...
I've tried it all guys, ginger ale, crackers, pepcid, etc, etc, etc....
thanks for the tips......nothing seems to help. Oh well...
I guess things could be a lot worse. I haven't had any real major problems or complications (knock on wood), so I shouldn't complain.

Other than that, work kinda sucked today. I LOVE what I do. Cake decorating is pretty easy and fun, especially when you are the main person, and the boss of the other decorators. But people are CONSTANTLY taking cake orders wrong. Some of these people have worked there 10 years or longer, you'd think they'd be able to take a cake order correctly!!! But no, every freakin week there's several screwups. So annoying. Plus it got REALLY busy towards the last 1/2 hour of my shift, which sucked b/c I was trying to cleanup and finish up for the day, and the customers were like attacking the bakery. It was nuts. But oh well.

Now I'm going to go eat the rest of my chinese food and watch Jeopardy with mom, then American Idol.


  1. I wanna come home and watch Jeopardy with you and mom! I watch it almost every day :)
    also, i miss you and you're cute.

  2. I don't know what works and what doesn't for morning sickness...but I heard vitamin B-6 helps a lot, have you tried that?

  3. I haven't tried it, but at this point will try anything!
