Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, May 2, 2009

28 weeks, 6 days

So I said I'd eventually write about my stressful, annoying crazy week. But maybe I lied.
At this current point in time, I still don't feel like bitching about it, even though all I did all week was bitch about my shitty week.
Maybe I'll end up writing about it if I get time and am bored, maybe not, we'll see. I just am not in the mood to think about it all again right now.

I got to sleep in today, like really late, and was actually able to sleep for the most part, which was nice. I rarely sleep in anymore, and have a hard time sleeping altogether, so yay me.

I am 29 weeks tomm. Oh how the time flies.
This coming weekend is Heather's graduation, then the next week after that is Sarah's graduation.
And by then May will be half over already!! Can't wait until the shower. I love get-togethers, and hopefully a lot of people can come! I haven't seen some people in quite a while, so it will be nice. June 6th can't come quick enough!!

I'm going to go catch up on last weeks' episodes of Lost and Southland. Then in a little bit I am babysitting Liam for a couple hours. He's so funny. I need to take and post more videos of him.
If we ask him to touch my stomach, and ask if he wants to 'touch the baby,' he goes "No, no, touch baby! no touch baby!"
It's hysterical. He apparently told Laura the other day that he wants the baby to come out though, lol. But he's back to insisting it's a girl again! He started out saying it was a girl, then for months now he accepted that it was a boy. But randomly, all of sudden he says it's a girl again.
Oh well. He should be hysterical when the baby is born.
Which can't some soon enough!

Have a great Saturday everyone!


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