Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 18, 2009

31 weeks, 1 day

Hello all!!

So I had a dr.'s appt. today. Matt had off during the day so he was able to go with me, although it was rather fast and semi-boring, lol.
But Dr. Naples said everything looks and sounds just perfect :-)
Always a relief/nice to hear, even when you already are pretty sure things are okay/good.
My visits start getting closer together now (scary!!! means it's all really real!), and my next appt. is in 2 weeks. Scary scary stuff. The little things that give you those moments where you go "OHMYGOD this is all happening!!" lol

I'm a dork. I don't care.

Anyway, little man has been kicking and moving away. I definitely think I have some form of sports player inside of me, because man is he doing a workout in there! Sometimes I literally think he's going to explode out of my stomach!

I thought I had lots to type about, but now I can't remember anything I was going to say! Oh well, maybe later...

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute!!! Yeah, they always feel like they're going to just come out. I really thought Makayla was just going to fall out from between my legs while I was walking one day. HAHA!!

    I'm so excited for you!!! And I want to see picture!!!!
