Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 1, 2009


So I'm like wayyyyyyy behind.
But here is basically what I sent to a bunch of ppl to keep them updated on what happened last Sunday (5/24)

"so long story short

i was having "cramps" last night, which i researched online and felt like possibly braxton hicks contractions (look it up if you don't know what they are, lol, im lazy)
and back pain too. plus he didn't seem to be moving as much.
so it didnt go away after a while, so i told matt we should go to the hospital and get checked out.
well they hooked me up to monitors and stuff, called dr naples, and gave me lots of water, saying i should probably be getting more fluids and stuff.
checked me out on the monitors for a while, took a urine sample and stuff, said i was def having contractions, and gave me a shot of Terbutaline to stop the contractions, then an oral dosage of it a 1/2 hr later. gave dr naples the results and stuff from the monitors and decided they wanted to keep me overnight for more observation to watch everything.
well they seem to have stopped, etc etc, they want me drinking MASSIVE amounts of water from here on it (hello bloated city!!)
but everything seems okay.
just no stress, no sex, no lifting until i see Dr. Naples later on this week.
and who knows from there?
they said the babys heart and all is still real good, so let's hope i don't have to go back again soon!!"

Today I am 33 weeks and 1 day.
Had my Dr.'s appt. Nothing much to write about.
I go back in 2 weeks, on 6/15 for my next appt., then from there on out it's every week.
I was hoping maybe today we would discover I was farther along, which was always a slight possibility because my last 2 cycles before we found out I was preggo weren't really normal for me. But they don't seem to think I'm any farther along than we thought. So still the same EDD of 7/19 I suppose.
My shower is this Saturday. I'm excited although pretty much a ton of people can't come :-/
And I registered at Target and Kmart, and both websites/registries seem to be being a COMPLETE pain in the ass for people. Apparently at our Medina Target, the kiosks are always down, so those people would have to print them out at home and take them in. PAINNNNNN IN THE ASSSSSSSSS.
But whatever.
I am just looking forward to seeing people and having fun and eating cake anyway. So I hope it turns out okay!

GTG for now b/c my brother is a pain and needs the printer.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could be there! I've always heard that Drs are hesitant to change DDs...but I'll keep my fingers crossed that little man will come earlier than expected and be 100% healthy!
