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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Demerol is my friend

So I just can't win!!
Tuesday night I was really starting to hurt. Even after Tylenol, using a heating pad for my back, sitting, standing, different laying positions. Nothing really helped. I tried to sleep for 3-4 hours, but at around 3am I had to get up. I went to use the bathroom, and then came back to bed, but the back pain just overwhelmed me. I was pretty much crying for an hour, trying to decide what to do. I was only having very light and erratic contractions. The back pain was the real issue. I woek my poor husband up with my sobbing. I ended up calling my mom. I had forgot the Dr.'s phone number at her house. So at around 4am, I called her, told her what was going on, and she gave me Dr. Naples number to call. He's pretty cool, the lady who answers for his answering service says he prefers his pregnant patients to be patched directly through to him, instead of paging him and waiting for a call back. So I got right through to him, told him what was going on, and how nothing was helping the pain. He said def come into the hospital then.
I called my mom, and she offerred to come pick me up and take me. We let Matt stay home to try and get a couple hours of sleep just in case this was actual labor. I had basically kept him awake all night, and he had worked like 13 hours the day before. So I figured we'd better let him rest in case this was the real thing, and he would need to come for delivery later.
Well they checked me, and said I was about 1-2 cm dilated, and 50% effaced. Hooked me up to all the monitors and all. They said Dr. Naples was going to be coming in for another patient anyway, so he'd stop by when he got there. Well, turns out he ended up having to do a delivery, and than had to run home and shower because he had a 7:30 surgery. So he was able to come in and check me at around 7:20, and agreed with what the nurses said when they checked me. But it didn't look like I was really progressing any further. They gave me the Demerol for the back pain, and kept me like 2 more hours to see if the pain went away and things calmed down, which they did. After his surgery Dr. Naples came back, and basically said the same thing we had discussed previously. I was technically still preterm, so we wouldn't discuss inducing yet. But if things did start progressing, we would go ahead and have a baby. So he let me go home, and just basically said if my water breaks, contractions get unbearable, or the back pain gets excruciating that I should come back to the hospital to get checked out. Other than that, I've got my regular appt. with him on Monday. And the back pain is basically tolerable for now.
I went home and totally passed the F out and slept good for several hours after that shot :-)
Then Matt and I went over to my parents and had some delicious steak and potatoes for dinner.

And I'm not sure I've mentioned it really, but my husband is really pretty awesome :-)
Not to mention the rest of my family is too :-)


  1. Sheesh this boy is giving you pain already! I'm so glad you have a great family to be there for you during all of this!! They should just have a nurse come give you demerol shots daily haha!

  2. Haha for real with the shots :-)
