Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So I'm not really even sure why or what just triggered it, but I totally just had like an "oh shit" moment.
For some odd reason I totally just randomly panicked about not being ready for the baby. I know that's normal, but it hit me completely out of nowhere, and plus I haven't even had my shower yet...
So I'm not sure what's up with that, but yeah.
I know I've got some bigger items I need and whatnot, and we have plenty of hand-me-downs, plus other new clothes. I'm not really sure what I think I'm missing that's got me freaked out. And I've got a great family that helps and buys me stuff and all.
I guess it's just that moneys been tight lately with me working less. And things I thought were going to be paid off aren't going quite as planned. For whatever reason, my last car payment (6/13) is wayyyyy higher than my normal monthly payments. I thought it would be the same. I could have sworn I paid any interest I owed because of deferred payments or whatever, but apparently not. And now my last car payment is a good $200 more than what my regular monthly payments were. I'm pissed.
PLUSSSSSS not to mention it falls on a bad month. I have to get a new license this year. Which is horseshit, since I just got a new one last August after I got married. But I'm going to be 25 on june 30th, and my license expires. Plus I need new registration/tags. And I kinda wanted to do the 2 year regis. again. So that's like $525 or so for my last car payment. And like $125 or so for my new license and a 2 yr registration. At least E-check is still free currently. Don't ask why if you don't live in Ohio.....we have mandatory E-check, and you used to have to pay like $20 bucks for it, but for the last couple years b/c of a law change or something it's been free. So thank God.
But yeah, all that stress plus normal bills, plus wanting to get more diapers and baby stuff has me freaking a little. I don't know. I know my fam and friends will help out all they can, but honestly EVERYONE is so strapped for cash with the economy and the job situations and I don't know....
I'm just having a freakout moment I suppose. Hopefully everything will turnout fine. I mean it basically always does, but still, I worry.
Must be part of the nesting/pre-baby panicking stuff that people go through. *Sigh*
I mean I have clothes and washcloths and towels and bottles. I have furniture at both my house and my mom's. I guess maybe it's more the expense of the diapers and shampoos and soaps and wipes and all that have me panicked b/c I don't have that much of that stuff yet, you know?
Hopefully after the shower on Saturday my fears will be eased a little bit. Even though the turnout isn't going to be very big :-(
And only 1 single person from work even bothered to RSVP. (out of almost 15) WTF?
Still so irritated about people not RSVPing.
Anywho, I think a fattening snack and mindless TV might help, so that's where I'm going now.


  1. Things will work out! Have you signed up on Huggies or other diaper websites...they'll send you coupons! Diapers were my biggest worry, so I had a diaper party and we're probably set til Kami is 4 months or so with diapers! Sorry to hear about all the $ you have to shell out with car stuff, I HATE having to do that stuff.

  2. I did sign up on I think it was Huggies. Are they the one also offering a free diapers giveaway? Maybe it's pampers, I'm not sure. Plus I also registered mine and my mom's address for free samples from one of them, we each got 3 free diapers, lol.
    And I think my mom has actually already purchased 4 packages of diapers, lol. 2 newborn size, and 2 packages size 1 or whatever, lol

  3. Just a word of advice...don't get too many newborn size diapers, they grow out of those quickly!
