Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Back to rainy, crappy, cold weather :-( What a crappy May

Busy weekend. I did actually manage to find time to get my hair cut on Friday, thanks to my mom. She watched both the kids for me.
Then we had a long busy weekend of helping my sister with Bridal Shower stuff.
She took us to dinner on Friday, which was awesome. Then Saturday I finally made this new chicken and pastina bake I've been wanting to try. It was really gross, haha. So much for finding a new recipe.
Sunday we just brought home the leftover baked ziti from the shower, so that was easy for dinner. Now last night we were lazy and didn't do anything, and so far, right now, it's already after 4pm, and I have no clue what's for dinner.
I am still pretty exhausted after this past weekend. I wanted to update and write more but I think I've lost the energy.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Finally summer weather!!

Finally today the weather feels like summer!!!
It was definitely over 70 (not sure exactly how hot), and totally gorgeous out! However, of course, the bees are already EVERYWHERE :-(
We went outside with Logan and Meredith at a little before 12. Logan is going to be a yardrat for sure. He just loves it out there. We've been slowly getting him more and more outside toys, even though he's not sure how to correctly use them all yet. We got him a tiny little ride-on 4 wheeler type thing, but he won't listen watch long enough to learn to use it the right way! Oh well though, he'll get it eventually. We left to do a little shopping at about 1:15, and did our running around, got home around 2:30ish. Logan was exhausted so he went right down for a nap, although it didn't last long, not even an hour. He got up, ate some lunch, hung out, and then back outside we went!! Unfortunately, he can't be left outside to play alone just yet. He's too clumsy and not quite ready. I don't mind being outside with him, but dealing with Meredith and her colic, as well as trying to get things done around the house, it's a little challenging. We went lazy for dinner, hot dogs and mac n cheese. I had chicken pulled out defrosting, but it was so hot in the house we decided to scratch that and are making it tomorrow instead since it's supposed to storm and we wouldn't be able to cook out anyway. It's a new recipe, and hopefully it will come out good. It's some kind of Chicken and tomato pastina bake. Wish me luck!!
I just finished making some blueberry muffins from scratch, though I'm not sure how I got it done, since I was home alone with both kids. I'm not sure how I had the energy either, since we were outside most of the day, then I fed and gave both kids baths. That's exhausting just in itself!! So everyone is fed and cleaned, I made some muffins for a snack. Now I need to plan my tomm and my friday. I want, no scratch that, I NEED to get my haircut one of the next 2 days. Then sometime next week I need to find time to finally dye it again. Then Friday/Saturday mom and I have to get some food and a cake ready for a bridal shower we are helping my sister with for Sunday. The other bridesmaids have basically been NO help to my sister, so my mom and I are trying to help her out a bit. I'm not sure exactly what my plan is just yet, but hopefully this cake won't come out looking terrible!! I'm going to be trying to match a very specific green color for part of the cake, and hopefully the 2 shades of green food coloring I bought will work. I still need to buy the actual cake mix and frosting still. I have a plan and a picture of the cake in my head, I just hope I can execute. Doing it from home is a lot harder than doing it at work. I need more equipment here!!
Okay, well that was very all over the place, but I'm trying to actually find time to update and Meredith is starting to crank and Logan is about to head to bed. So hopefully that all made sense.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring update!

Time for a spring update, if I can get time to finish it that is!
As I mentioned in my previous post, Meredith was born on 2/24/11 at
12:49pm, 8lbs. 5 oz., 19 1/2 inches long.
We came home on Sunday, 2/27/11.
She got her first bath at home on Tuesday, 3/1/11.
On Wednesday, 3/2/11 she weighed 7 lbs., 6 oz.
By Thursday, 3/3/11 she could lift her head up completely on her own.
On Friday, 3/4/11 she was 7 lbs., 8 oz., and 19 3/4 inches long.
On Monday, 3/7/11 she was 7 lbs., 9 oz.
On Friday, 3/11/11 she was 7 lbs., 13 oz., her cord also fell off this this day.
On Wednesday, 3/30/11 she had her 1 month well visit and vaccinations.
She was 9 lbs., 1oz., and 20 3/4 inches long.
On Monday, 4/4/11 she was 9 lbs., 6 oz.
On Tuesday, 4/26/11 she had her 2 month well visit and vaccinations.
She was 10 lbs., 10 oz., and 22 1/2 inches long.

Around 3-4 weeks old she starting showing signs of colic. She was
pretty much inconsolable, and began crying constantly. She had the
worst painful, smelly gas ever. Luckily, right around Easter, 4/24/11
it seemed like it was starting to go away a little bit.

On Saturday, 4/9/11 we tried sitting Logan on his potty chair and he
peed on the potty for the first time.
On Sunday, 4/10/11 he peed on the potty 2 times.
On Monday, 4/11/11 he peed on the potty 5 times!!
After that we started having some issues with him not wanting to sit
on the potty or wanting to play with things in the bathroom, so we
have taken a break from putting him on his potty for a while. We
weren't really planning on trying to potty train him just yet anyway,
just wanted him to get a feel for it, so we don't want to push the
issue and turn him off to the idea of using the potty. We aren't
rushing because he can't talk enough yet to even let us know when he
beds to go.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wayyyy behind.

So clearly I am WAY behind.
I had hoped after having the baby to have a few minutes at night before bed to sit down a few days a week to update this. Buttttt clearly that hasn't happened.

Well, I had little Meredith Olivia Patterson on Thursday, February 24th at 12:49pm.
It was a scheduled C Section, which was probably more nerve-wracking than my first one. The anticipation of it all, especially the epidural.
We got there, got all checked in, I got changed into a gown. I had an amazing 'delivery nurse' named Carin who was just fabulous. She listened to what we had to say about the past problems getting an IV started, and she used what she called the 'secret vein,' that most nurses don't use, but she got it it started and in beautifully. Thank god.
I had 2 amazing anesthesiologists. This guy, I want to say his name was Roger, but I could be wrong, came in, he explained everything about the different epidurals, and what kind I'd be getting that day. Then the other anes. Robin came in, and explained she'd be the one actually inserting it, etc. etc. Well, at that point they asked if I had any questions, I said or shook my head no, then I started to panic and got emotional and lost it. I was a crying, sobbing hysterical mess. They were both so sweet, and all like "what's wrong, what's wrong?" I'm not sure how many people get as nervous as I was about the epidural, I hope I didn't scare them and shock them too bad. I wasn't even that bad when they did my epidural for Logan. I'm not sure why I freaked out so bad. You always think in your head about the risk of being paralyzed, or something happening. And I am very ticklish/jumpy, so the whole aspect of not moving while they do it really scares me. Because I can't guarantee I won't move!! I got as calmed down as I could be, they prepped my the rest of the way. I got a few shots. Then I said by to my mom and they wheeled me into the OR. They did the epi in the OR room, and Matt wasn't allowed in there yet, but Roger stood in front of me with a pillow, and had me hunch over it, and hug up against him, which was much more comforting than with Logan. With Logan they just had me sit on the edge of the bed, hunch over, and hold a nurse's hands. Well, it was a long process. I had some issues with feeling tingling and that weird sensation in my left leg. I said "ow ow" a few times, even though it didn't exactly hurt per say, it was just a reflex reaction to say ow to the weird feeling, they asked what was wrong, I told them, they said it was good that I told them, to let them know if I was feeling it more on one side than the other. It took what seemed like forever. I started to get a little nervous again and upset, asking if they were almost done several times. Well, after it was all over Robin apologized and said she was sorry it shouldn't have taken that long. They didn't tell me exactly what the problem was, which was I'm sure on purpose because of how scared I already was. I didn't ask either. (The next day I did see that I had a huge bruise on my back though.)
After the epidural it was fabulous!! The surgery itself didn't scare me at all this time! And Dr. Bellante was AMAZING. If we have another baby I will have to have a c section again (VBAC is rarely a possibility for anyone who had 2 prior c sections, which is why i really wanted a vaginal this time if possible, but God had other plans), and I will have it scheduled with her for sure.
With Logan, they pulled him out, showed him to me, and then the little thing they put him on was not in my eyeline, and I didn't really get to see him, and obviously I didn't get to hold him. It took forever to close me up it seemed, then Matt got to hold him until they were done.
This time, they pulled her out, showed her to me over the curtain, then brought her around up next to my face so I could REALLY look at her for a few minutes. I thought they had already wiped her off, but they hadn't!! They all kept saying how clean she came out and laughing! I guess she wasn't as gooey as most babies come out, lol! Then Matt and I confirmed her name-I was waiting to see her to choose for sure.
They had to finish cleaning out the placenta and everything and then sew my uterus and abdomen back up, while the nurses cleaned her off and did her Apgar and everything. Then Matt says to me "She's bigger than Logan!!" I said "What?! Are you sure?" and kinda laughed and actually shed a tear. She was 8 lbs. 5 ounces! They told me at my 37 week ultrasound she was 6 lbs. 1ounce, and would gain about a 1/2 a pound a week. So we were expecting about a 7 1/2 pound baby. And she was almost 8 1/2!! It was quite a shock.
The nurses quickly did what they had to do, then wheeled her little cradle thingy over closer to where I could see it, so I could watch while they finished doing anything they had to do. Next thing I knew, they were all done sewing me up! I said something along the lines of Wow, that was so fast! Which took Dr. Bellante by surprise. She started asking the nurses what the start/end time was, and said it was right on par with normal, and I said I didn't mean anything by it, I didn't think she rushed it or anything, lol, it just seemed that my first C section took FOREVER to sew me up. Matt was holding Logan for a long time before they were done. This time I don't think he held her in the OR at all, because we were all done so fast!
And the pain and recovery wasn't as bad this time either :-)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

End of year/New yr update

Today is 1/1/11.
I'm trying to organize some of Logan's baby books/photos/scrapbook/stuff.
I added a few things to my October post with his milestones, and am catching up on any I may have missed.

I'll probably be repeating a few things, but I don't want to miss anything.

On September 1, 2010-Logan cut his back left molar.
On September 5, 2010-Logan cut his bottom tooth next to the left front.
On September 6, 2010-Logan can consistently wave hi/bye and he can say "hi."
On September 7, 2010-Logan can consistently give kisses and blow kisses.
On September 11, 2010-Logan took his first ever overnight trip. We went to Aunt Heather's Housewarming party in Indianapolis, Indiana.
On October 4, 2010-Logan climbed stairs by himself for the first time.
On October 8, 2010-Logan took his 2nd ever overnight trip. We met his Great Aunt Lynn and Great Grandma MaryAnn halfway in PA.
On November 27, 2010-Logan can consistently do pattycake and "roll it."
On December 18, 2010-Logan got caught hiding behind the couch!!! We think he learned it from Darren and Kasey's dog Roxy.
On December 27, 2010-Logan got caught STANDING on the couch! And then he fell off.

My milestones-
July 20, 2010- I had my (first) 8 week visit. HR-162
August 17, 2010- I had my 12 week visit. HR-168
September 14, 2010- I had my 16 week OB/GYN visit.
October 12, 2010- I had my 20 week OB/GYN visit and ultrasound. IT'S A GIRL! HR-152
November 9, 2010- I had my 24 week OB/GYN visit.
November 24, 2010- I went to Babywaves for a 3D/4D ultrasound. HR-154
November 30, 2010- I took a trip to the hospital after having cramps and contractions. Got an IV, they gave me Terbutaline to stop contractions, and ran a fetal fibronectin test.
December 22, 2010- I had my 30 week OB/GYN visit. HR-152

January 4th, 2011- 32 week visit.
January 18th, 2011- 34 week visit. HR 150.
February 1st, 2011- 36 week visit with ultrasound. Baby is 6 lbs. 1 ounce. HR 140.
February 9th, 2011- 37 week visit. HR 135.
February 16th, 2011- 38 week visit. HR 132.
February 24th, 2011- C section is scheduled for 12:15pm.